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Building a Love Brand: connection and loyalty strategies

By Nicole Guedes
Editorial Assistant at Essence Branding

From Apple, which generates queues when it launches a new cell phone, to Disney, which has its brand eternalized in tattoos and wedding proposals, Love Brands are deeply intertwined with consumers’ lives. These are brands that manage to nurture real relationships of connection and loyalty with their customers through branding and marketing strategies that build an atmosphere of love and loyalty for the company.

According to a Khorus survey in 2021, 86% of so-called “brand lovers” will accept paying more for a product from a brand they love. But what drives some brands to become Love Brands? How can we apply this concept to our businesses, and what are its main results?

Pillars and strategies

According to research by Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman, 95% of purchasing decisions are made subconsciously. Furthermore, 75% of buying experiences are based on emotions. We can therefore say that consumer psychology is becoming increasingly present and important for businesses.

In this context, to create a well-established brand in consumers’ minds, we need to focus on strengthening a few main pillars. These are:

Well-aligned beliefs and values
Active listening and close communication
Empathy and resolution
Sense of community and belonging
Nurturing a long-term relationship

First and foremost, a brand with its beliefs and values established and aligned at all points can convey them assertively to its target audience. In this way, it generates identification between people and the brand, bringing the company closer to the individuals who really see themselves and their vision of the world represented in that business.

Buying from brands that defend and support their agendas has become an increasingly important factor of choice today. According to Accenture Strategy’s “Global Consumer Pulse”, 83% of Brazilian consumers prefer to buy from companies that defend purposes aligned with their life values.

When we talk about active listening, the idea is to always be attentive and try to anticipate the needs of consumers, understanding their pains, needs, and desires. To do this, it is essential to build a good Brand Persona and keep informed and in constant contact with your target audience through close and intimate communication.

Another important point is empathy and resolution when dealing with consumers’ problems and issues. This idea is directly related to active listening, considering that the company must be attentive to detail and helpful, quick and effective in providing feedback and solving problems.

In addition, something that businesses are increasingly seeking to build is a sense of community and belonging to their brand. Nurturing an environment of identification and unity between the company and consumers can generate a loyal base of brand advocates. Whether it’s through gifts, events, information or exclusive platforms, loyalty is a factor often observed in Love Brands.

Finally, it is extremely important that, in addition to building a relationship of trust with your customers, the relationship continues to be nurtured over the long term. This is why constant and assertive communication is necessary, especially via social media. It’s worth remembering that all the brand’s points of contact, including digital media, must have their verbal identity and purposes aligned to maintain standardization of the characteristics that make up the company. One company that does this with excellence is Netflix, which, with a touch of good humor, always interacts with its followers on social media. This keeps them active and attentive to the platform’s news.


Some other examples of famous Love Brands are Coca-Cola, Nubank, Nike, Harley-Davidson, WhatsApp, and iFood. Much more than a vision of production and profit, these companies build relationships of affection, admiration, and trust with their consumers, provoking and evoking memories and positive sensations in each one of them. This is the main factor that makes them always remembered by the public.

On the other hand, it is interesting to consider that a brand’s size and reach are not decisive for its success as a Love Brand. With strategic brand management focused on the pillars presented, it is possible to build a base of loyal consumers and advocates, regardless of the company’s size!

Thus, we understand that with determination, study and strategies, the concept of Love Brands can be applied and worked on in different types of business segments and sizes.

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